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Soil Health is the Foundation of a Healthy, Green Lawn


Soil Health Applications Services

Lawn fertilization is the necessary first step to achieving the lawn you desire. Understanding your soil health is needed to ensure the long-term success of your lawn.


Skipping Soil Health is like Building a Home Without a Foundation

You wouldn’t spend time, money and resources to build a beautiful home with no foundation to stand on. Starting your lawn care approach with a good foundation ensures your grass is healthy, not only in appearance, but all the way down to the root. Make sure your lawn care budget pays off in the long term, too. 

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Compost PLUS offers a safe, all-natural solution for garden and landscape enhancement, combining well-aged cattle manure with a carbon source. Rich in microorganisms and beneficial fungi, it fosters plant health, improves water retention, and leaves no residue. It's versatile and suitable for lawns, gardens, trees, and flowers, and its fresh dirt scent sets it apart from traditional manure products, making it an excellent choice for eco-friendly gardening and landscaping, ensuring non-burning and weed-free results when used correctly.

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Moister Manager

Moisture Managers function like minuscule water magnets in your lawn. The special formula attracts and retains water molecules in your yard’s soil, creating water droplets that nourish your root system. This innovative method can keep your lawn’s root system properly hydrated two to three times longer than normal watering, reducing the frequency with which you need to run your sprinklers.

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Humates significantly lower levels of ash and heavy metals, such as lead, arsenic, and mercury in the soil, helps improve soil structure (whether sand or clay-based), stimulates the activity of soil biology, makes nutrients more available, and aids in the formation of the more stable soil profile to support your turf grass.   

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LESCO® CarbonPro-G™

Maximize grass health and nutrition with a powerful combination of carbon, organic soil processes, and plant-microbe interactions. LESCO® CarbonPro-G™ helps elevate natural nutrient delivery to your grass roots while reducing your soil’s saline and salt toxicity. This product uses science-based ingredients to help you grow more resilient, fortified grass and plants.  

With a Few Applications of Moisture Manager You Can Expect to See These Wonderful Benefits

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Water less frequently

Minimize the areas of wilt and dry spots

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Lowered water bill

Avoid fees or fines associated with regional watering restrictions

Improved landscape health


Increased transplant survival rate

Improved efficiency of fertilizer

100% safe for use around kids and pets

Get to the Root of Soil Health Challenges. 

If your lawn is struggling to thrive, chances are the answer’s in your soil health profile. Find out what your unique lawn needs to grow its healthiest grass yet this year. 


Soil Health is Just the Beginning

We offer a full range of organic and semi-organic lawn care, plant care, and pest control services. Find out what you need by scheduling a soil health test, or browsing our services below.

Lawn Fertilization

Even fertilization can be done organicly. Find out how it can
transform your lawn this year.

Organic Lawn Treatments

Once you have your soil health profile, organic treatments help grow stronger, greener grass.

Soil Health Test

Condition and moisturize your soil with semi-organic services that transform plant health.

Aeration & Overseeding

Most lawns need aeration and overseeding annually. Does yours?

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Common Questions About Soil Health

  • What will I learn from a soil test?

    Our comprehensive soil test offers a deep dive into your soil's composition, including its pH levels, nutrient content, and organic matter. You'll gain insights into your soil's strengths and areas that need improvement. This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions about fertilization, aeration, and other treatments, ensuring you invest your time and resources where they matter most.

  • How can a soil test benefit my lawn care routine?

    A soil health test goes beyond the surface and provides a detailed analysis of your soil's pH, nutrient levels, and overall structure. Armed with this information, our experts can recommend precise amendments and treatments tailored to your lawn's unique needs. This proactive approach optimizes nutrient uptake, minimizes waste, and sets the stage for a lush and resilient lawn.

  • Why is soil health important for my lawn?

    Soil health forms the foundation of a thriving lawn. Healthy soil provides essential nutrients, supports robust root growth, and helps plants resist diseases and pests. By understanding your soil's current condition through a soil health test, you can tailor your lawn care practices to address specific deficiencies, leading to a greener and more vibrant lawn.

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Transform your outdoor space this year while also protecting your family, pets, and ecosystem. Responsible lawn care is just a click away!


14 Graf Rd Suite 4 Newburyport, MA 01950


Monday - Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm


(978) 504-2714